Adobe Acrobat is a software to to view, create, manipulate, print and manage files in Portable Document Format (PDF). Not to be confused with Adobe Reader, which is used just to view and print PDF files. Web page: Last update: 11 Nov 2019. Shortcut count: 175 How easy to press shortcuts: 86%.

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Adobe Highlight Keyboard Shortcut
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Adobe Acrobat 6 is chock-full of keyboard shortcuts. To make these keystrokes work, choose Edit→Preferences or press Ctrl+K (Acrobat→Preferences or Command+K on Mac) to open the Preferences dialog box. Choose General on the scroll list to display those options in the dialog box, and in the Miscellaneous area, select the Use Single-Key Accelerators to Access Tools check box, and then click OK.

When the feature is activated, the ToolTips that appear when you hover the mouse pointer over a button tool show not only the tool’s name but its keystroke shortcut, or single-key accelerators, as Adobe likes to call them. Xexmenu 1.2 free download.


The following table shows the shortcut keystrokes for all the tools in Acrobat 6 that use the single-key accelerators feature:

Adobe Highlight Keyboard Shortcut
Shortcut Keys for Selecting Acrobat 6 Tools
ToolbarToolShortcut Keys
Basic ToolsHandH
Select TextV
ZoomZoom InZ
Indicate Text EditsE
Highlight TextU
Advanced CommentingRectangleD
Text BoxX
Attach FileJ
Advanced EditingSelect ObjectR
TouchUp TextT

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In order to play with images in Photoshop 6, it’s nice to be able to choose, or select, an image or part of an image so that you can draw on it, add color to it, or even delete it. The keyboard shortcuts available in Photoshop 6 help you manage a variety of selection tasks, and the following table tells you what to press in both Windows and Mac systems.

Note:All selection tricks are performed with selection tools. (There’s a shocker.)

Draw straight linesAlt+click with Lasso toolOption+click with Lasso tool
Add to selection outlineShift+dragShift+drag
Deselect specific areaAlt+dragOption+drag
Deselect all but intersected areaShift+Alt+dragShift+Option+drag
Deselect entire imageCtrl+DApple command key+D
Reselect last selectionCtrl+Shift+DApple command key+Shift+D
Select everythingCtrl+AApple command key+A
Hide extrasCtrl+HApple command key+H
Move selection outline onlyDrag or press an arrow keyDrag or press an arrow key
Fill selection with foreground colorAlt+BackspaceOption+Delete
Fill selection with background colorCtrl+BackspaceApple command key command key+Delete
Display Fill dialog boxShift+BackspaceShift+Delete
Cut selectionCtrl+XApple command key+X
Copy selectionCtrl+CApple command key+C
Paste image last cut or copiedCtrl+VApple command key+V
Reapply last filterCtrl+FApple command key+F
Adjust levelsCtrl+LApple command key+L
Free transformCtrl+TApple command key+T
Transform againCtrl+Shift+TApple command key+Shift+T