I might just grab something like Better Bots and only play with bots but that's practically the only mod I really know of lol. I didn't really play a whole lot back then.


Nothing, except you get marked.
When the round is over your nice cheater tag is gone again.

You can get marked for the following:
From client side: (You are client.)

  • Spawning any equipment, different from last equipment you spawned.
  • Throwing more than the allowed amount of grenades. (Picking up grenade from grenades crate case increases limit.)
  • Spawning more than the allowed amount of equipment.
  • Attempting to secure a bag different from what you are currently carrying. (When you secure bag, host suspects that you no longer have any bag on you.)
  • Attempting to spawn a bag different from what you are currently carrying. (When you drop any bag, host suspects that you no longer have any bags.)
  • Wearing an item from a DLC you don't own. (This is the most common way of being detected.)
  • Equipping a Legendary skin. (Which is only because of a massive convenience of the weapon mods being marked as 'unobtainable'.)

From server side: (You are host.)

  • Spawning equipment different from the last equipment you spawned.
  • Throwing more than the allowed amount of grenades. (Picking up grenade from grenades crate case increases the limit.)
  • Spawning more than the allowed amount of equipment.
  • Wearing an item or hosting a heist from a DLC you don't own (This is the most common way of being detected.)
  • Equipping a Legendary skin. (Which is only because of a massive convenience of the weapon mods being marked as 'unobtainable'.)

An open source Lua hook for Payday 2, designed and created for ease of use for both players and modders.
This is the developer repository, and should only be used if you know what you're doing. If you don't, visit the website at PaydayMods.com to get an up-to-date drag-drop install.
The Lua component of the BLT which controls mod loading can be found in it's own repository, Payday-2-BLT-Lua.


Visit PaydayMods.com to get the latest stable download.


Documentation for the BLT can be found on the GitHub Wiki for the project.


Payday2 BLT requires the following dependencies, which are all statically linked.

  • OpenSSL
  • cURL
  • zlib
  • Detours


OpenSSL should be compiled as static libraries and the libraries placed in the lib directory, and the headers in the incl directory


cURL should be compiled as static, with the WITH_SSL parameter set to 'static' and the previously compiled OpenSSL libraries in the dependencies directory.


zLib should be compiled as static.I had to add SAFESEH handling to the MASM objects in order for this to be compatible with Payday2-BLT


A compiled version of detours is included, and all terms of the included Microsoft Research Shared Source License Agreement (detours_license.rtf) are applicable.

Improved bots payday 2


  • Payday 2 BLT Team

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    • James Wilkinson (Twitter)
  • Contributors, Translators, Testers and more

    • saltisgood
    • Kail
    • Dougley
    • awcjack
    • BangL
    • chromKa
    • xDarkWolf
    • Luffyyy
    • NHellFire
    • TdlQ
    • Mrucux7
    • Simon
    • goontest
    • aayanl
    • cjur3
    • Kilandor
    • Joel Juvél
    • PlayYou
    • and others who haven't been added yet