Wattpad is an online reading/writing community. These are the best stories.

The Top Ten Best Wattpad Stories

Wattpad stories romance soft copies. Wattpad Stories That You can buy Nationwideღ - LazyULucK3' Season 2: pin. Seeing Beauty”, 20–Keith and Lily Make Love (R rated), 9/21/12. My Husband Is A Mafia Boss Season 3 Soft Copy - multimedia2000 SIARWAG SEASON 2: Secretly Living with My Husband (COMPLETED) - Chapter 19 (pin.

1F.A.I.T.H: a Dorm. a Delinquent a Girl

You know that feeling you get when your going down the stairs and you accidentally skip a step and you think your falling and you think your gonna die but then your foot lands on the next step and it's like nothing ever happened? Well if you multiply that feeling by 1,000, make it last so much longer, AND mix it with hate, pain, satisfaction, anger, love, relief, anxiety, passion, joy, shock, guilt, frustration, and denial, then you'll get the feeling equivalent to reading F.A.I.T.H. (Of course actually reading it is 100 times better and easier.) Every single one of the characters has been through these very same emotions and the best part is you experience the same thing along with them. Anyone who has read F.A.I.T.H can agree that you will easily find yourself falling in love with these characters. The author has such a way with words that you can't help but feel compelled to never stop reading. Plus, the character development is great whether it's each character's past or their ..more

Imagine that you are a fisherman, living a humble happy life. One day, you set out to sea on your boat like normal, but then a huge storm hits. You are washed out to sea. Your boat is wrecked, you lost a leg to a shark attack, your so hungry you start hallucinating, and there is no sign of land in sight. Just as you are about to lose hope, you hear the sound of a horn. A cruise boat is headed your way. Desperately, you gather the last remnants of your strength to cry out to it. But as you force your fatigued body to stand up on the piece of driftwood you've been hanging on to, you slip and fall. You go down, down, down into the depthless water of the ocean. Your lungs are burning, your consciousness flickering. But, right before you run out of breath and black out, you glimpse a hand reaching out for you. The next thing you know, you're waking up in a hospital with an IV attached to your arm. That's what reading F.A.I.T.H is like.

This book is THE best book on wattpad. You know, there were moments when I was flabbergasted, sprawled on the ground (no exaggeration) and sweating because of the 180 degree twist which the plot took. I had to keep my phone beside me and sit for like half n hour completely still because the twists had completely blew me off. One can only dream of writing SUCH an engaging and compelling book. I am a second time reader and I am still thrilled by that story. It's a blend of so many genres and the character of Rihanna is so enigmatic that it intrigues everyone. This book has just so many sinews which make a person feel so, so many emotions. There have been moments when my heart was thumping in my chest and I was scared of what lied ahead. If you haven't yet read that book and are planning to read it then a solemn advise to you- make sure you don't have any deadlines due or any exams you have to prepare for because once you start reading this book YOU WILL NOT BE ABLE TO KEEP IT DOWN. And ..more

This is book is way too good to not consider reading it. Honestly, this book is the best book on wattpad. How this is not on the first of the first page is beyond me. All other books pale in comparison to this one. With protagonists that are equally eye-rolling as well as humorous and mouth-watering, this book fills up every expectation of a character. Plot development is so incredibly planned out, you will without a doubt be surprised at every turn there is. There is not a more addictive book on wattpad, and it is definitely a must-read. Anyone with a taste of love for mystery and excitement and even romance will surely want to read this.

2The Bad Boy's Girl

Who was the author? Please answer me.

This book is so funny but sometimes leads nowhere but other than that really good

I think You should include the author, There are 'lots ' of stories in wattpad entitled ' the bad boys girl '

After reading the first few chapters of this book I have already been engrossed by its plot. The writer makes use of the PUSH & PULL effect and it just makes you feel so tingly. I have to say one of the things I really love about the book was that it shows how the relationship of both characters develop grow. Most of the stories in wattpad always contained relationships that move too fast and I'm not too fond of that.

3In 27 Days by Honorintherain

Hadley Jamison doesn't know what to think when she hears that her classmate, Archer Morales, committed suicide. She didn't exactly know him, but that doesn't stop her from feeling like there was something she could have done to help him.
So to Hadley's surprise, on the very night of Archer's funeral, she has a run in with Death himself and is offered the chance to go back in time to stop Archer from ending his life. The catch? She only has twenty-seven days to do it. And if Hadley doesn't succeed? Well, she doesn't want to think about that.

This was one of my first of many of the wattpad books.Till now it remains on my favourite list.The concept of death is so innovative.The characters are so relatable

It's the most beautiful and most lovely story of two lovely people falling slowly in love with each other but with just a tiny problematic twist!

It's one of those stories that you would go back and read over and over again! It's heart-wrenching, touching, and funny but most importantly, despite it being paranormal/fantastical, plausible. The characters were so well-written that I felt like they're right in front of me. Amazing storyline, invaluable hidden messages and beautiful writing style pretty make up the story that is 'In 27 Days'.

4Top Floor (Rendezvous #1)

I love this story

Absolutely awesome. I need a Heath in my life.

The best love story

I can’t find this?

5Slow Dancing

What is the name of the author anybody? - lesleybruce

This book is honestly amazing. And I'm one whose standards are high. It's funny really.. How words can break your heart but mend it and your soul all over again

The author does a wonderful job of Turing cliches into wonderful stories that you have a hard time forgetting.

This story is my obsession. I literally love noelle's writing

6The Last Virgin Standing

I binge read this book! It was so much fun to read and it always had me guessing what's going to happen next. This book made me laugh and cry, I really enjoy those types of books.

I recommended this book to a friend after I read it, let's just say I'm scared for life after reading it. I was hooked on it. It was so good and emotional

One of my favourite Wattpad books ever, friendship, love, hate, family, by the way Tyler is my favorite character

Love it,but I think other Books liké His Eris and One day in june will be awesome on the nearest future.

7My Husband is a Mafia Boss

Can someone tell me who is the author please?

Humor, Romance, Action and so much more! This story is great. So many twist and never ending action scenes and laughter. Unique names, great plot and all! Great story.

Who is the author

This book was just awesome.. It is full of unique characters who are fighting for a certain reason. This story shows how murderers are people just like us and are still filled with kindness in their heart. A great story about love, family, and sacrifice. It makes us realize how life is fair despite every disaster. In the end, this story will always stay in your heart and will never fail to make you feel a rollercoaster of emotions. Just read it yourself and you'll understand..

8The Teddy Bear Agreement

TTBA, aka Sleep Deprived, was my favorite here on wattpad for a long time. The characters are loveable, unique people with pasts reflecting how they ended up who they are now. Although the author focuses on Cassandra and Will's love story, readers will find themselves immersed in all of the side characters as well. Cassandra and Will both have their own battles they are facing, and little by little we join them as their feelings change and they grow as people. Sleep deprived/TTBA is a captivating story overall, and the authors writing style is really something special!

I so love this book! Its got such a unique and interesting plot, that's both romantic and humorous!

It was beautiful and inspiring story

I love this story! There's only one word to describe it- BEAUTIFUL!.this was so different from all other romances. It's the perfect combination of dark and light(humor).I was sleep deprived(mind the pun) reading it

9The Cellphone Swap by DoNotMicrowave

I have read a TON of books on Wattpad, this being one of the first. This book still is one I recommend to everyone! From the many books that I have read, it still stands out and is by far one of my favorites.

This book has the ability of pulling anyone into it. This was my first book on Wattpad and after 2 years it's still my favorite

My first read on wattpad too, it was what got me hooked to the app. Stayed up reading it until 3am

This book was so cute and I kept reading because I wanted more and more. Overall, it was a great book, especially if you like drama and romance!

10After 1, 2, & 3

This and The Bad Boys Girl are definitely the best books on wattpad. The After series books all have over 200 million reads EACH and the most votes/reads I have ever seen. I was never in to fan fictions, trust me, but oh my gosh. This book. Is. AMAZING. It is so addicting and such a rollocoaster ride! I actually stayed home from school (I'm a senior) one day because the night before I read most of the whole first book and ended up staying up until 5:00am, and I was so tired. Also, even though it is a 'fan fiction' about one direction, don't let that stop you from reading it. Please. The only things in it realated to one direction is the names of the members are used for five of the books characters (only one main character) and the looks, although they're very much altered since all of the boys have tattoos and stuff. There's no such thing as 'one direction' in the book either. So PLEASE. PLEASSSEEE. READ THIS. You won't regret it! At least check it out on wattpad, and read the first ..more

Best book EVER. The plot itself is mind blowing. It makes you angry, cry and at the same time laugh. It literally drives you mad in a good way. The first time to read this book I was obsessed such that I read it overnight. The characters themselves makes you love them and hate them at the same time. The way the flow of the story is till the third book is just legit.

My friend told me about this book, and although I've never been into love stories, I decided to give it a try and I am very glad that I did. The After series make me think of different views on so many different things and I actually felt a connection with this book and the characters. I felt the reality in it, which is a big factor in book to me, and I really bonded with the characters as if they were actual people. There were moments when I both hated and loved this hook, and I think that's how you know that it's really one of the best. I, of course, couldn't put it down and its actually been the only series I have reread, and ever read the first book a third time. Anyone who doesn't read, is missing out on the wonderful imagination of Anna Todd!..

I never liked reading something with too much adult content but here I fell in love with this book. I finished its all 3 series in a week. And later I was desperate to read something more about Harry and Tessa. One of the best book I have ever read. A must read book.

The Contenders

11Rooming With The Bad Boy by chocolateluvaaxo

It is one of the best story I have ever read! I always get butterflies in my stomach whenever I read it! The bond between the two character is just too strong! And the writer has some skills, I must say!

It's a great story. I love how the author brings so much life to this story. There's love, there's thrill, suspense.. Must read it!

12Just One Night

This book is amazing, and honestly I was expecting something a little different but it's one of the best books I've read so far

13It All Started With An Apple by TaintedRain

This story was literally amazing! It was written well and the plot was just.. Ahh! All Taintedrain'sstories are so good! If you are just looking for a good book to read, this will be more than perfect for you!

Best story I've read on wattage so far fell in love with characters I cried in this book and that says a lot because I usually don't cry

This is one of the stories that seriously got me into Wattpad and Teen Fiction! The best book on Wattpad ever!

I loved this story! It made me laugh, and cry. Great storyline, every night I stayed up late just to read it!

14Mr. Popular and I

Hilarious, romantic and drama all intertwined together!

God, this book just killed me. I was so addicted to it and everyday I just waited to get my phone. computer so I could finish it! Wish it never ended.

List Of Wattpad Stories With Soft Copies Tagalog

I read this awhile back and it is one book that has stayed in my head since. It's brilliant!

Yea 88 million people read it, I really like it because it makes you feel like you are in the book.

15I Sold Myself to the Devil for Vinyls Pitiful I Know

I've read this novel 8 times (no joke), have recommended it to every single one of my friends, and I keep coming back for more. It is my absolute favorite story that is on wattpad, and I still get so engrossed into it. I laugh with the characters, I yell at the characters, and I weep with the characters. I would love for it to be published into a physical copy so I can mark my favorite parts (currently I've just written the chapters down on my wall). 100%, 10/10, absolutely breathtaking. Not only does it have an original and interesting storyline, the author doesn't rush the characters' personalities. She doesn't make them go from hating a person to being in love with them in a chapter, she develops them into these wonderful things. I could go on and on and on and on about how much I love this, but I think that you should decide for yourself.. Happy reading

This is hands down the best book on wattpad and I would recommend it to everyone. All the characters are so lovable and funny and the relationships they have with their friends and family is amazing. Their friendship circle is honestly the best with Blake, Lexi, Alex the best friend, the twins Trevor and Cameron, the players Shawn and Clark, Daphnee bff, Vanessa bff, Tyler brother It's so nice to see Blake and Lexi the main characters and love interests grow as characters because of their relationship and what they uncovered about eachother. I cannot put into words how CUTE Blake is even though he hides it with his smirks. It was one of the first books I read on wattpad so it got my hopes up really high and I couldn't find a book as good as it afterwards until I read FAITH also so good.

The best book ever. Best character, cute love story and it's just amazing and it's deserve a shot.

This is the best book I have ever read on wattpad! I don't think it should be so underrated. According to me it should be ranked 1st. And I will never get tired of saying that I'M IN LOVE WITH BLAKE! Their beautiful relationship is so realistic and heart breaking. To be honest I'm quite jealous of Lexi for getting a wonderful person like Blake in her life. I would die to get a sweet and caring and annoying guy like him. In all it is a MUST READ in everyone's library!

16Until Trilogy by Jonaxx

I can't read the story because I don't know where to find the English version. I really want to read it and If anybody know a way for me to read it can u please tell me so I can read it

I really really like the author. She my most favorite author. I think all of her stories are good and addicting. So far Until Trilogy is one of the best stories I've read in wattpad. I cried a lot of here and it also it make me laugh. Both of the characters have sacrifice a lot. My most favorite part is when Montefalco's cousin had a great time and bounding. I really adore Elijah and Klare. You must read this story.

One of the best stories I've read in wattpad. The author of this story is my favorite writer so far. All of her stories are really addicting. You'll surely love her stories and the characters. Each character has its own personality that you will surely love! Her stories will surely touch your heart. Try to read her stories and you will love it!

One of the best stories in Wattpad. The writer is very good that you just won't be able to stop reading until you finish the series. You'll fall in love with the characters because they all have interesting personalities and you can surely relate to their experiences. The plot is very well written and I just can't get enough.

17Marriage by Law

It was great. I truly loved this one!

Great story but I would like to read the full story without buying it

Definitely one of the best books I've ever read.

Stayed up the whole night reading this! By far one of my favorites on Wattpad!

18Must Date The PLAYBOY! by notjustarandomgirl

Best wattpad book so far. It makes you love and hate every character. Unexpected things happen and well as expected. Right now I just want to smack the main characters in the face because of the frustration they make me feel of the way they are acting. But I love the book. You should read it, and there is a sequel and the third one is currently being written.

Proshow producer crack yapma. A MUST READ! A romance that is very touching, hilarious and overall amazing. The first book is great, and there is also a sequel which is amazing and heart warming, lots of surprises. And there is also a third book. so yeah I definitely recommend this story, check it out I guarantee you will love it.

This story is highly reccomended! I'm a fan of this story. It is sweet, funny, n many unexplainable feelings toward this story n don't forget to read the sequel must hate the playboy :D

One of my favorite books EVER. This is just truly amazing and captivating. There are also the sequels, also lovely! The characters are just so enchanting and the whole plot is very interesting and gets you! READ THIS BOOK.

19Montello High: School of Gangster

I fell in love with the untypical love story twist of the two main character (Van & Summer), and because of it I was really hooked. Like the author Sielalstreim, she never failed to show us that love moves in mysterious and dangerously way.

This story is feel so uneasy school but they find her self who is real her. The love, the troubles and tragic is so exciting to read. I love reading this.

I so love this story because it's not your typical cliche gangster story, the plot of the story was so great you would not want for the story to end. The author sure knows hot to play your emotions while reading it and the characters are amazing. This story was well thought by the author and I must say it is well made.

The story is incredible. It will hook you from the beginning to the very end. Yes it is about gansters but it is not what you expected. It is a well crafted story and it is one of the best. You will feel strong emotions through every word that will make you want for more. This book is really a Masterpiece.

20Illegal My Ass by makeandoffer

Hands down one of the best books I've ever read! You fall in love with all of the characters, humor, and back stories. It's one of the only books that has ever made me connect emotionally with its characters. I've read it 3 times and writing this made me want to read it all over again. This book, Trained to kill, and SOONER OR LATER YOU WONT RESIST ME top 3 books, not only on Wattpad but over all books.

A great story about forbidden love. In a more modern sense than Romeo and Juliet.

Extremely well written for something published on Wattpad..really stands out against all the drama/angst-filled teenage fantasies on there. The story was mature, exciting, and one heck of a ride!

Honestly this book and author deserves much more credibility, all her books are amazing and should be published and adapted into films!

21The Bad Boy, Cupid & Me

I lOVE this story. I finished reading it in only a day Its unpredictable in so many ways makes you want to know what's going to happen next, couldn't stop reading it until it was over, it's a must read

Best part of this story is the female lead character who isn't a cliched nerdy nobody, tormented by the cheerleaders but a completely relatable normal but smart hot girl who you will totally fall in love with. Reece on the other hand can be described in one word- soulmate!

Chloe, reece, valentino and dennis are perfection. you'll love them to the extreme that you would feel very bad that the story ended since you can't get over the characters. a non-cliched simple yet catchy story of love and friendship.

It's an amazing story and it's been my favourite so far..AND I HAVE BEEN IN WATTPAD SINCE 2012! I really loved Valentino and Reece and I also really liked how it was not cliche and I would never change a thing about this story it had an amazing ending and I'm actually really sad it doesn't have a sequel..

22Storm and Silence

The most amazing book in the history of amazing books! A. Must. Read!

Best book I have read till now on wattpad. Marvelous writing, great description of the Victorian era, the protagonist are so strong and well characterized.. love the book and its series.. a must read

It's perfectly written all and also has such an entrancing story line. The history is well researched and it allows you to dip into the past and experience a vivid array of emotions like anger, pain, desperation, love and many more. The main male character is absolutely alluring and the main female character goes against all social norms with her witty banter. An absolute gem, I feel privileged to have read this book and currently on the third one in the series. Strongly recommend, my favourite book on Wattpad and I've been on Wattpad for over three years!

I'm not a big fan of romance stories on wattpad since most of them is pretty cliche and predictable I only usually read different genre of stories in wattpad..but this..this is a masterpiece! I'm very surprised that it isn't number 1

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23Chasing Red

This is one of the best books on Wattpad. I'm surprised it's not in first place.

I can tell I read more than 100 stories on wattpad. But this story is by far the best story I have ever read. Each character had their own uniqueness. This story had funny moments as well as heart aching moments. It started with same old base like 'player hero' and 'shy heroine' But as the story went on It took a beautiful turn.

There are so many stories on wattpad but this one clearly stands out. Not only is it beautifully written but you can tell it is a good romance novel; the characters get more 'attention' than in other books where it's all just kissing and all lovey-dovey, this gives the whole story a sense of authentication and makes it seem more realistic, which is why it's so fun to read; and along with the wonderful storyline the author has created it just never gets boring. This story should be at least within the top 5 of this list and it's one that I can only recommend to any reader, wattpad or not.

Just got done reading this and I have to say this book is one of the best on Wattpad it sucks you in from the very first chapter and does not let you go until the very end! I would highly recommend this book to anyone looking for a good read even if you're not into romance and novels this book is about so much more than just a romance!

24That Baby Is A Matchmaker

Who's the author in this story?

Good story! I really2x like it.

Who is the author?

Never read but sounds good

25Her Bad Boy Guardian Angel

This book is AMAZING! It has so many twists and turns and sucks you in! You fall in love with the characters and you can almost feel their emotions and what they're going through! I would highly recommend this novel to anyone it is by far one of my favorite and best books on Wattpad!

Who is the author?

It's so sweet, and cute. It gets you rught in the feels

26The Girl He Never Noticed

This story is a must read! There are many plot twists and surprises whilst reading. I did not regret it!

Amazing book! So funny and a page turner. It's one of those books that once you start reading you can't put down. Awesome twists and unexpected surprises! One of the best books on wattpad!

It's a really good novel, once you start reading it u won't be able to stop!

This is an amazing book! I loved reading it!

27She's Dating the Gangster

I love it even though the ending of story shows that happy ending was the dream of everybody but sometimes its not meant to be and sometimes happy ending doesn't exist and also I love the movie portrayed by the hottest love team in the Philippines Kathryn Bernardo and Daniel Padilla!

I really like this story because it doesn't show that everyone can have their happy ending.

I cried when Athena and Kenji met each other again and when she said I see you grow into a gangster to a man to a husband. Watch the movie. - Princesssmooth

You guys have to watch the movie. It's crazy. In the best way. They edited a few parts but it's still the same plot.

28The Mafia and His Angel

The best most amazing and well written story that I've ever read on wattpad. This book will captures your soul like you literally wont be able to stop reading. ITS EVERYTHING. I recommend it to everybody.

Oh God it is so nice. I absolutely LOVE the protagonist.

This book os really great but I think its already unavailable on wattpad

It's the best book I have ever read

29My Wattpad Love by cold_lady19

An absolutely well-written story. It has the potential of capturing the reader's attention straight away. Not only is the writer amazingly good at writing, but she also has a way of making the reader feel as if they were actually there and experiencing the story. It is one of the best stories that have read on Wattpad, and I will forever love it. I can go back and reread it a lot of times. The sequel for it's also amazing such a sweet story and amazingly well written and both are some of the best stories I have read on Wattpad.

I don't even know what to say, this story is just SO sweet.

When I saw how well known the book was I thought oh well I'll give it a try, but being honest I was pretty disappointed yes it was well written by it didn't capture my attention. I would probably rate 5/10

I loved this story! it's really good and I'll have to read it again. When I was writing my own books, My Muted Mate and The Rejected Mate, I was reading this book and I almost quit reading it from how frustrating it was. It was really well- written and is very exciting. I also loved the ending, mostly because it was a happy ending

31Kion and Tiifu How the Love Began
32The Quirky Tale of April Hale

The whole book was such a cutesy, face-palming, and awe-ing experience for me. I never really gave this book a chance at the time, but after a year of searching for novels around on Wattpad, I came across it again and finally gave it a go. It's different from the rest, so I guess that's why I easily fell in love with it as well as the characters; the characters are unbelievably relate-able in the most hilarious ways I read it three times and it never gets old.
The book has amazing content and potential, as far as getting published I'd say. As for the title, it's very much relevant. The whole journey was beautifully written in the novel. I'm proud of the author and was very pumped to see the sequel out, but at the same time, disappointed to see that it was not updated in a year. To sum it up: if you love cutesy and humorous things, give this book a chance.
- @my_odine

I honestly loves this book. And April's love for the classic Star Wars is what sold me on the story. I love April's smart unique personality and Ryder Black's bad boy demeanor.

Quirky is the perfect word to describe it. You fall in love with the characters and their off the beaten track ways.

! This book was both funny and eye opening, I love how Ryder took the time to understand her after he found about her condition but even before. I just love it!


I love this story :)) The Best

I love also this kind of story

I really love this story.

This story was the best

34The Good Girl's Bad Boys

It's the BEST book I've ever read ( and I've read bunch of books on wattpad) and I'm so happy I had this opportunity. It helped me see that I should respect people, even if I don't actually like them. I'm so thankful.

One of the best books ever that u can find on wattpad.really enjoyed it

I honestly didn't think I would like this book, and it would just be another cliche book that my friend gave me, but I was very, very wrong. Even if you don't think you'd like the story line, just read it for the characters, because that is one of the biggest reasons why I loved this book.

This is by far my favourite book on Wattpad. It's just so funny and even though some parts of the story can be kind of 'cliche' the overall story is just so different and incredible. I can't wait to read the next one!

35The Billion Dollar Girl

Made me laugh, cry; there are so many great things about this story I cannot explain.

This book is really good, and regarding some comments on the author plagiarizing the story is completely wrong. Only recently the author has become active on, and said that she become inactive on wattpad due to where she was born - Asia - and most people are white on wattpad. So she felt the need to hide who she was, although this is certainly not the case! Eventually, she just stop writing. Because of this, some blogger took advantage of her absence, and claimed the book as her own. The book was taken down from wattpad before the author came back. The book however, is being rewritten by the author herself.
Congrats author! This story really is something, especially for all the drama that went on to plagiarize the story. Such an amazing piece of work - from the storyline, characters, to how it was written!

This was the BEST story but not originally a Wattpad novel. The plagiarizer, Sofia, I believe, aka racingheart on Wattpad, stole the story from a blog and since then, the original writer have made the chapters private and racingheart has stopped updating because I'm assuming she had nothing else to plagiarize! What a shame.. Sofia has now deprived any readers from reading this amazing story. Great book, though. Creds to the original writer because you are a fantastic author.

36The Shy Girl Has A Gun by makeandoffer

First book I EVER read on wattpad and I was not disappointed, it was amazing. She ( the MC) has an amazing backround story and the plot is very goo, plus its well written

Awesome filled girl lead. Very good storyline, action packed, hilarious and some romance sprinkled inside. Makeandoffer is the best!

This is an awesome book to read. Full of adventure, action, humor, romance all in one story. Amazing author!

Hilarious, heartwarming and everything in between! I love makeandoffer

37The Mischievous Mrs. Maxfield

This is one of those few books that I always go back to read every once in a while. I absolutely love this one. It is a brilliantly written book. AND the lead is strong and has a good head on her shoulders, unlike all the other books where the lead is often shown as a weak, clumsy and good for nothing kind of girl.

I bow down to the writer of this book, it's by far the most wonderful and amazing book. The quirky tale of a billionaire and a lower class girl with a troubled past is breathtaking, with many jaw drop twist and turns that you want to cry and smile at a same time. This and Strom and Silence are my most favorite books on wattpad. And Brandon is incredibly handsome, by the way. Give it a go and you would regret that you didn't read it before.

This was the first book I ever read on wattpad. I've read 100+ books and yet this ones still my most favorite. Brandon is exactly the kind of guy every girl dreams of. Charlotte will steal your heart with her funny and confident ways. It's a must read for someone who loves romance novels. Yes, it's a bit long but every word you read is worth it. TRUST ME!

I don't think I can express how amazing this book is. I am usually really picky with books so I pay a lot of attention to how well written it is especially the pace and of course the characters. I tend to not fall in love with the female protagonists in books as they can come off sort of pathetic in a sense but I absolutely love Charlotte. you learn to love each and every one of the characters even the ones that were meant to sound bad, that's how good it is SO WHAT I'm SAYING IS READ THIS DAMN BOOK YOU WONT REGERT IT!

38She's with Me By Ava Violet

I wish this story was turned into a movie or something. I just finished all three books in two days and I already want to re-read them. So good!

This book had me hooked in the first chapter! The characters are spunky and it's extremely amusing, and you'll love how Amelia's so SASSY, or how Mason is HILARIOUS. The chapters are nice and long, and the is a minimum is grammatical errors and spelling mistakes. The plot is PERFECT! This isn't your usual cliche plot, where they say it's 'surprising' but everyone already expects it, this has so many plot TWISTS that NOBODY expected. I read this book in a couple of hours(I'm a fast reader) and it was so addicting I could not put it down! I really suggest you try this book!

Hands down the best book I've ever read! I finished this in a day simply because I could not put it down. It's definitely not what you Gould traditionally expect from a teen fiction book but in my opinion, it's ten times better. Little hints and clues are dropped so perfectly throughout the story that it keeps you wondering and makes it impossible to put down. I think I've read it over 4 times and each time it's better. It's definitely a book worth reading.

Okay so I just read this book in 1.5 days because I was just not able to leave it. It's so addicting. The characters and the plot twists everything has been placed in the best way possible and you feel like you're one of the characters. The author has put an amazing effort and I am eagerly waiting for its sequel. All in all it's a must read!

39The Rules of Survival by The_Starzee

The best story I have ever read. It is more like an actual novel. It deserves to be published.

An amazing story with a very strong female lead.

I've read this book so many times and I'm buying it as soon as it gets published. It's that good.

I love this author!

40The Bad Boy Stole My Bra

Honestly, one of the most amazing and eye opening books I read. I am still shocked on the fact this book is in the top ten, let alone number one, and encourage and persuade people to read it. It shows the bond of Alec Ryder and Riley Greene, and inspires many. Read it!

Oh god this book is absolutely awful! NONE of the characters are likeable, it's one of the most predicable stories I've read in my entire life, I hated the main character with a passion and honestly don't waste your time, I don't understand why this books is so loved, it's terrible, seems like it was written by a 13 year old

One of my favourite books. Such an easy read that I've read it many times now! The characters have depth and keep you interested. Definitely recommend!

Not gonna lie, one of my favorite books. It can be a little cliche but so can every book I guess. It's funny, a little relatable at times and downright beautiful.

41He's Into Her by maxinejiji

I've read numbers of wattpad stories, but He's Into Her is the best. I can't name all the emotions it could give to the readers. Once you read the story, you'll get hooked to it and as well as to the characters. This is really recommended. Superb!

It takes a lot of patience in reading a daily basis story scenario but its really WORTH the time and effort cause it's one helluva of a story!

Can't get enough of this story. Intense!

Intense and one of a kind, This story will definitely live in my library till the end.. One word to describe this story 'Masterpiece'..

42Teen Clash

This was the first book I've ever read in the wattpad app. I don't really have the intention to read cause I thought the story's just an ordinary one. When I started to read it, I fall in love with the four love teams. I love the story so much. It's very adorable and awesome at the same time.

Teen Clash for the win! I wish the new two books (Battle between heart and mind and Trouble with the Rules) will get published though the Book 3 Trouble with the rule is still ongoing..

This should be at lest in the top ten. I mean, it is a really good book and one of the books with the most views!

This is the first story that I had read and it's very perfect

43Secretly Married

I like the story.. I excited to read the book2

The first story I've read, I love it and make you laugh especially Phoebe.

Very very beautiful.

Love na love ko to. the best author naman daw

44Heartless by Jonaxx

The story is one of the best because the man waited for the woman for 14 years

One of the best book I've read. The writer is also one of the most broad minded writer in terms of the genre General Fiction and Romance

The guy is hopelessly in love with the girl! One of my favorites. This story will make you feel so in love.

My number one favorite on wattpad

45Waves of Memories

The FEELS baby, the FEELS! I so love it!

also read the other costa leona series

This story is so so good. I mean really.

The author is so brilliant! She likes to let your brain really works because of so much flashbacks! Queen J is the best

46The Girl He Never Noticed by Sweetdreamer33

If you read the rest of the books by her you will love the plots. eros is a hot hunk

The Girl he never noticed. A book that makes you smile and will make you feel the butterflies in your tummies

I love that book. It was so good and brought me too so many emotions lol

Definitely has the best plot twist

48The Billionaire's Heir

This story made me cry. You should check this out.

One of the best out there

Pulled at my heart strings! this book is a work of art!

49Talk Back And You're Dead

It's cool. It also shows how valuable friendship is. And it just really touching, the way the main characters prove themselves to their parents, oh my.. Just read it for you to know.

The story is awesome. It would make you fall inlove, cry as well as laugh. The characters are great.. Specially TOP AND RED

I love this


50Fighting First Love by kauigirl

A more realistic story that I've read. The breakup made me cry because it was all so real and so possible.

Pulls my heartstrings every single time! If you want something realistic, then this is the book for you!