If you have ever spent much time inside of a modern VR headset then chances are you’ve had your fair share of “Wow!” moments. But not many people have actually had a WoW (World of Warcraft) moment in VR because Blizzard’s actual game doesn’t have VR support. As the most popular Massively Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game (MMORPG) on the planet, it was only a matter of time before fans took the mission of solving that feature’s absence into their own hands.

Originally created by user Puffycheeks in Unity, the video shows YouTube user Ultra (a friend/colleague of the creator) exploring the city of Dalaran from inside an HTC Vive headset. You can even see models of the Vive wands floating in place of his hands. Check it out (we hosted it on our channel with permission from Ultra): Xposed installer zip.

'It is against the party's code of ethics,' said Abdullah 'to attend oppositions' functions.' Lagu nasyid indonesia. Demikian juga pendapat kebanyakan ulama silam.Imam Ahmad bin Hambal mengatakan wajib manakala Imam Malik dan Imam Abu Hanifah berpendapat khatan itu hukumnya sunat bagi lelaki dan perempuan.Tetapi ada pula pendapat dalam Mazhab Abu Hanifah mengatakan wajib bagi lelaki dan sunat bagi perempuan.Antara dalil yang dijadikan hujah dalam melaksanakan khatan ialah firman Allah yang bermaksud: 'Ikutilah wahai Muhammad susunan agama Ibrahim.' Hadis diriwayatkan Abu Hurairah, Rasulullah s.a.w bersabda maksudnya: 'Nabi Ibrahim berkhatan ketika berusia 80 tahun di suatu tempat bernama 'al-Qudum' (di Syam).

Here is a new video showing the progress we made on our World of Warcraft VR mod. The video shows our new launcher and improved head tracking. We now also support head tracking in menus and loading screens. The aspect ratio of the video has been changed during the uploading progress, so it will not converge properly. Have actually had a WoW (World of Warcraft) moment in VR because Blizzard's. This is a far cry from.

The video is very long because he flies around and explores every inch of the city. When stationed on the street-level he looks up and marvels at the sheer sense of scale. Perhaps more so than anything else, thatis what is missing from most modern non-VR MMOs that release these days. It’s very difficult to capture a feeling of awe and wonder with modern flat games.

This is a far cry from a playable mod or anything like that. Essentially, it looks like the city’s 3D model was transplanted into Unity and is simply explored as you would if it were an actual game world. Jason Trenkoski (aka Ultra) describes it to us as a “walking experience” for now.

In order for something like this to ever work in the game itself Blizzard would have to enable it. There has been zero indication that they’d ever be interested in doing something like that, at least not in the short term.

“As for now, we’re continuing to work on more maps, we’ve got molten core coming soon (perhaps a week or 2) but the aim is to try and get as many cities and experiences put into virtual reality and really recapture that nostalgia,” writes Trenkoski over email. “Turning this into a game isn’t the aim for this, but after its all completed (which will take some time) we will look into doing a co-op experience or something of the sort.”

But still: it makes you wonder. With games like The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim and Fallout 4 both getting full VR support, is a fully-fledged VR MMO closer than we might think? The prospect of playing a game like World of Warcraft, EverQuest, The Elder Scrolls Online, or Guild Wars 2 inside of a VR headset makes my mouth water.

Here’s another video of World of Warcraft VR that Trenkoski uploaded, this time exploring the city of Stormwind.


This story originally appeared on Uploadvr.com. Copyright 2017

Warcraft III created new genres of games with its World Editor. Now with Warcraft III: Reforged there’s an update for the classic game — but why don’t more games have modding tools like it did originally?

It’s 2004 and Warcraft III is one of the hottest games in the world. Like many teenagers, I spent all summer thinking about Warcraft, but I wasn’t playing — I was coding. I was coding my own Warcraft III maps and putting them on the internet along with thousands of other amateur creators. We called ourselves modders. Our games used the same art and controls as Warcraft III but introduced completely new gameplay.

Mods allowed young people with no connections or experience to build games that they otherwise had no business making. One of those young people was IceFrog, the creator of Defense Of the Ancients or DOTA. Little did we know at the time that DOTA would go on to be one of the most popular games in the world.

It’s 14 years later and Blizzard has said that updated modding tools are amongst the most anticipated features Warcraft 3: Reforged. “’Warcraft III’ players built new genres with the tools in the original games– tower defense, MOBA, it came from them… So we’re looking for the next generation of modders and creations that should come from this.”

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